Sunday, November 16, 2008

There are many differences and similarities in the movie and book. A difference from the movie and book is the gods, the gods were talked about alot in the book but not so much in the movie, one example is when Achilles anger almost killed agamemnon but Athena told him what would happen if he did so. One similatritie is Achilles anger, Achilles anger was mentioned in the book and movie many many times, for example when Hector killed his cousin Patroclus he got angry and went to fight Hector and killed him, after he killed him he dragged him behind his charriot because he had no respect for him. Another similaritie from the movie and book is how they explained how intimidating Achilles was, and powerful, also what his armor was made out of. for example it said that his armor was made out of bronze and how his horses would wear shiny metal so that people knew when Achilles was comeing. I usually like movies much more than books because I find Images much more interesting than words, but in this case I thought they were both very good. One thing I really liked about the movie is the imagery, such as the wall, and many other things. One thing I really liked about the book is how it explained to you more about the gods.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Strategy And Success Blog

1) What do you like best about class so far? What's going well?
I like the in class discussions the best so far, The blog assignments and reading assignments are going well for me so far.
2) What has been your greatest disappointment so far?
My greatest dissapointment so far is probably my essay editing and the vocab test.
3) Describe how you've studied for tests or prepared for quizzes. Give me time lengths, environment, strategy, etc.
I study and prepare for quizzes when ever I have time to. I study usually in my room for about fifteen minutes and I just read over the information. Also sometimes if I forget to study I study in the class before.
4) Do you know if you're a visual, aural (hearing) or kinesthetic (movement) learner? Answer with a yes or no and an explanation.
I am a visual learner for sure because i remember things better if theres a visual example not words.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


In the Native American folktale, the Attack of the Mammoth: A Native American Legend from the Kaska First Nation of British Columbia. A man and his family are always on the move to different lakes and rivers to hunt for beaver, one night while the woman was out gathering all the beavers with her baby, on the way back she heard noises so she turned around and there was a mammoth, so she dropped all of the beaver meat and ran back to camp. When she told her husband of this incidant he did not believe her and told her that she was dreaming and that all the mammoths have died off. Once they finished there meal the husband laughed at his wife because she still had her moccasins on. The husband went to sleep but the wife stayed up all night waiting because she knew the mammoth was going to attack. She suddenly heard something so she tried to wake her husband he was not pleased when he got waken up in the middle of the night and he went right back to sleep, but the wife got up and ran away and with her own eyes she saw her husband get eaten by the mammoth. She ran as fast as she could to the nearest tribe and told them of the mammoth so they dug holes around there village and so that the mammoth would fall into the water where the ice was weak. The mammoth came to the village and fell through the ice but instead of drowning it just kept comeing through the ice until it got to the village. The whole tribe started to panic and run away but one boy who told his grandmother to get his magic bow and arrow, when he got them he fought the mammoth and in the end destroyed it. Because he killed the beast he became the villages cheif and got two beautiful girls to become his wifes.

In this folktale the wife represents the maiden in distress because she is traveling and looking for someone to save her and her baby from the horrifying mammoth. The hero is the boy in the village who killed the mammoth and saved the whole village. The crone would be the husband because he is not listening to the wife and going with her when she left.

As there culture they were always looking for people who could protect them with magic powers. If someone did protect them they would become the cheif of the tribe. This happened in the story when the boy got his magic bow and arrows and protected the village from the mammoth, once he killed it he became the cheif of the tribe.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My hero

Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers is my hero. His hero qualities include his offensive and defensive skills on the court along with his intense desire to win. His calm, intimidating passion for the game of basketball sets him apart from his peers in the league. His status as a superstar didn’t appear over night. It took years of hard work and fighting through adversity both as a professional basketball player and as a person. Kobe’s humor and ability to get along with his teammates has also set him apart from any other player in the league. In my eyes Kobe surpasses any of the players in the league and I hope that one day I will have the passion and desire that he does to play the game of basketball.